LSE - the final list

Those who passed all three stages:


and that's it...

Navigating Global Economic and Financial Change

Date: Tuesday 11 November 2008
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building
Speaker: Mohamed A El-Erian
Chair: Professor Willem Buiter

The global economy is experiencing a number of consequential transformations that impact long-standing economic and financial relationships. The resulting change goes well beyond the emergence of a new destination for the global economy; it is also reflected in what is an inevitably bumpy journey that is prone to a series of market accidents and policy mistakes.

In his presentation, Mohamed A. El-Erian will discuss the nature of the transformations. He will detail the drivers, and illustrate how they relate to the unusual developments being experienced by international markets. He will conclude by identifying some of the retooling challenges that confront investors, firms, governments, and the multilateral system.

Mohamed A. El-Erian is co-CEO and co-CIO of PIMCO. He was previously the President and CEO of Harvard Management Company, and a member of the faculty of Harvard Business School. He obtained masters and doctorate degrees from Oxford after completing his undergraduate studies at Cambridge. He is the author of a recent book featured on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers lists: When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies for the World of Global Economic Change (July 2008, McGraw Hill).

This event is free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis. For more information, email or phone 020 7955 6043.

The event is on a first come first served basis so we will have to be early up there - this means leaving Oxford around mid-day I suspect.

How to get to LSE

Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
England UK

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7405 7686

This is another course you all should attend.

A song

S.H.E—安靜了MV (清晰完整版)周杰倫牽線,讓Selina和阮經天再續前緣?由周杰倫依Selina的愛情故事量身 譜曲的「安靜了」,日前請來阮經天擔任MV的男主角,讓Selina第一次在螢幕上獻 出「激吻」,而且也讓S.H.E回想起,原來先前周董寫的「河濱公園」,MV男主角也 是阮經天。拍攝前既緊張又害羞的Selina,求助於拍戲經驗豐富的Ella和Heb e,兩位姐妹只告訴她:「放膽去親就對了!」前晚S.H.E在師大舉行新歌演唱會,因 為過程中陸續發生麥克風、耳機等小失誤,加上對自己的表現不夠滿意,慶功宴上,Ell a忍不住落淚。「安靜了」的MV內容描述Selina與拳擊手阮經天原本甜蜜的愛情,因為Selin a對阮經天的愛太過強烈,還偷偷為阮經天戴上結婚戒指,令阮經天漸漸地在愛情中感到無 比壓力,最後忍痛與Selina分手。Selina一直是「命中註定我愛你」的忠實觀 眾,一得知MV的男主角是「紀存希」阮經天,開心地不得了,只是再聽說要拍吻戲,演戲 經驗不多的Selina,心情馬上從雲端掉到谷底,對吻戲忐忑不安,抓著Hebe和E lla猛問該怎麼詮釋。兩人想都沒想,只告訴Selina:「既然要拍,就大膽親下去 ,不要扭扭捏捏,否則看起來會不自然,反而要拍更多次。」之前Selina雖然也曾在「五月天」的MV中,與阿信有過一幕輕輕碰唇的「普通級」 清純吻戲,但是這次「安靜了」的接吻程度大幅升級到「保護級」,Selina與阮經天 兩人,為了要拍出最美的畫面,至少親了四、五次才完成。導演喊卡之後,Selina苦 笑說:「唯一的感覺只有『暈』一個字,因為阮經天先揹著我,然後他再回頭跟我接吻,還 要一直轉圈圈,所以停下來之後,我們兩個人都暈頭轉向的,一點也不浪漫。」除了吻戲,哭戲對Selina也是一大挑戰。雖然Selina平時哭點很低,可是要她 在原本歡樂的氣氛中突然痛哭,Selina一時之間也不知該怎麼辦才好。於是工作人員 開始在她耳邊講故事,要她幻想假設有一天,她一回到家,看到最寵愛的紅貴賓Pinky 倒在地上,再也叫不醒的畫面,果然Selina眼眶馬上紅了,眼淚也大顆大顆掉下來, 旁人看了也鼻酸。最令Selina掙扎許久的戲份,莫過於撲倒在草地上的情景。原來Selina對各種 小昆蟲都很恐懼,有時就連小蟲從她眼前飛過,都可以讓她嚇到尖叫大哭。劇情安排,Se lina與阮經天分手後,她在草原裡邊哭邊跑,最後要撲倒在草地上。開拍前,Seli na直向工作人員哀求:「一定要趴下去嗎?我看到草叢裡有好多蟲子在動。」最後Sel ina的哀兵政策無法奏效,只好強壓住心中的恐懼乖乖演出「仆街」又蟲子纏身的戲份。經過一整天的拍攝,Selina的好演技獲得大家一致讚賞,紛紛鼓勵她可以像Hebe 和Ella一樣接演好戲。不過生性樂觀的Selina卻表示:「拍戲太辛苦了,要一直 把心裡最深的感情給挖出來,比較起來,還是主持節目可以開開心心的最好。除非真的有我 喜歡到不行的劇本,我才會有意願演戲吧。」

Best quote of October

"So, i am not going to stop working on this project till we achieve the BEST results!!! And i know we will.......Believe us=)"

So you want to impress the universities?

"How can Pathways help me to get into university?

Departments of philosophy are keen to recruit students who have pursued independent study of the subject. However, they will naturally prefer those who can offer hard evidence of their ability and potential. All Pathways students receive a report from the Director of Studies on completing their program which can be used to support their application for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree course. Students can also request a confidential reference in support of university applications."

Here you will find files for download. These files may be freely distributed on condition that the format or contents are not altered in any way.

The files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF, which can be read and printed out by both PC and Macintosh computers. The Adobe Acrobat reader can be obtained free from the Adobe web site at The URL for the download page is

Before they can be opened, the files will need to be de-compressed. A program that will do this is Stuffit Expander, which can be obtained free from the Aladdin Systems web site at Go to and click on the link for either PC or Mac.

'Adobe Acrobat' and 'Stuffit Expander' are registered trade marks.

If you experience any problems with downloading, de-compressing, viewing or printing these files, please e-mail me at and I will do my best to help!

Pathways Sampler

Download (132 K) compressed for PC users
Download sampler.sit (133 K) compressed for Macintosh users

The Pathways Sampler contains the complete first unit from each of the six Pathways programs:

Program A. Introduction to Philosophy The Possible World Machine
Program B. Philosophy of Mind Searching for the Soul
Program C. Ancient Philosophy The First Philosophers
Program D. Philosophy of Language Language and the World
Program E. Moral Philosophy Reason, Values and Conduct
Program F. Metaphysics The Ultimate Nature of Things.

Extracts from other units can be found by clicking the following links: Prog A, Prog B, Prog C, Prog D, Prog E, Prog F.

Possible World Machine

Download (260 K) compressed for PC users
Download possible.sit (261 K) compressed for Macintosh users

This file contains the fifteen short stories and introductions from Pathways Program A. Introduction to Philosophy The Possible World Machine.

CONTENTS: The possible world machine, the black box, walkabout, a case of doubt, a lesson in biology, the insurance policy, a moral tale, the good witness, the fatalists, the ministry of perception, Dr Johnson's boots, space hopper, the window of consciousness, message from a lonely planet, Morgan's farewell.

Check out this link and fully explore the site.

And this element too


Also look at an alternative site - remember look at both

Oxford University

~ Last year, just 23% of candidates were accepted by Oxford.
97.5% had three A’s at A-level ~

This might be a wise investment (in the context of £20,000)

Employment: Vacancy


a. cv
c. experience

Wanted: two Russian translators (oral translation). One should be able to translate complicated technical (physics-based) information during presentations to be held at the Oxford Science Park 5/12/08, the other should be able to offer general translation between the 4th and 6th December. Email

Lectures you should go to this week


What The Shift Of Economic Power To Asia Really Means OXONIA Distinguished Speaker Events Bill Emmott, former Editor of The Economist.
Department of Economics, Manor Road Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UQ

Believing In People: Motivating Social Entrepreneurs In Fair Trade Oxford Centre for Christianity and Culture - The Spirit of Social Enterprise Carol Wills, former Executive Director of the International Fair Trade Association and Head of Oxfam's "Bridge" Fair Trade Programme.
Regent's Park College , Pusey Street, Oxford; Tel. 288129.


21st Century Challenges JM 21st Century School Series of seminars on future challenges and opportunities. / email: / Tel. 01865 287437
3.30-5.00pm, free
Old Indian Institute (corner of Broad and Catte St)

If Fibre Is The Medium, What Is The Message? Next-Generation Content For Next-Generation Networks Oxford Internet Institute Seminars Professor Eli Noam, Director of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information at Columbia Business School, New York.
Oxford Internet Institute, 1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS

Curing Cancer With Protons And Light Ions James Martin 21st Century School Seminar Series: 21st Century Challenges Professor Ken Peach, Director of the newly-formed Particle Therapy Cancer Research Institute, James Martin 21st Century School.
3.30pm-5pm. Free Entry
James Martin 21st Century School, Old Indian Institute Building, 34 Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BD


Google Analytics For Breakfast Solve The Web

An introduction to Google Analytics - breakfast included! / email: / Tel. 01844 215101
8.00 - 9.30am, £25 + VAT
Solve The Web, Friday Court, North Street, Thame, Oxon OX9 3GA

Energy Question Time People & Planet and COIN

Your chance to ask local politicians your burning questions on climate change. / email: / Tel. 01865 245678
6.30-8.30pm / Free
Wesley Memorial Church , New Inn Hall St; Email:; Tel. 01865 243216; Fax: 01865 247706.

Courses at Oxford University

I have been on one for 2 months - they're open to all

Approach to teaching

Methods there are many, principles but few, methods often change, principles never do