Unhappy with your grades?

If you are unhappy with your grades (for any subject) then you should see the teacher as soon as possible and establish areas where you can improve.

If you are unhappy with the grades I have given you then here are some questions you should consider:

1. Do you speak English all the time in class?
2. Are you taking steps to improve your English?
3. Are you doing the Business English exercises I have listed in the blog?
4. Do you post detailed posts to your blog every single day? Each post should take 30 minutes MINIMUM to create.
5. Do you write comments on other blogs?
6. Have you listed everyone's blogs on your blogs I told you to? If you don't know how to do this have you asked anyone for help?
7. When you evaluate a product do you actually EVALUATE it and look at its competitors, the price, how the product works, what use it would be to the consumer?
8. I have given a lot of products to evaluate - have you done this?
9. For Economics, in the discussion list and here in the blog I listed questions for every day of the week. Have you done them and what have you done with your answers? I have not seen them.
10. In class do you participate?
11. Do your actions in class help the class to learn or are your actions disruptive?
12. Do you prepare lessons i.e. read ahead for your subject?
13. Have you learned the mind map software?
14. Have you mind mapped some key topics and put them in your blog?
15. For Business Studies did you do the work on setting up in business - and did you come up with a business idea (question 3) and then comment on it (question 4)
16. Have you been listing key words in your vocabulary books and then expanding on the explanations later?
17. Do you read an English newspaper in English every day? (Especially the business/economics section)
18. Have you joined the Stock Market investment team?
19. Have you played the business games - any of them especially the Investment one?
20. Have you been watching Dragons Den (on the internet)?
21. Have you entered the Business Plan competition (optional)?
22. For Economics have you started mind mapping those chapters i sent round and then putting the maps in your blogs?

1 comment:

  1. which chapters for mind mapping? i've not got one.


Approach to teaching

Methods there are many, principles but few, methods often change, principles never do